Michael Horrigan

Michael Horrigan, President of Upjohn Institute since 2019, oversees the study of policy-related research to understand and alleviate the problems of unemployment, the changing nature of employment relationships and the quality of jobs, and place-based policies to improve community prosperity. The Institute also runs innovative workforce programs in four area counties to directly assist individuals to overcome the barriers they face in finding and keeping good-paying, in-demand jobs. In his role at the Institute, he gives dozens of speeches each year on national, state, and regional macroeconomic and labor trends. Prior to joining the Institute, Mike oversaw the nation’s employment, unemployment, and inflation measurement programs at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Research Highlights

Employers still struggle to attract and keep qualified workers, wage and benefits survey finds

April 18, 2023 · Research Highlight
Survey focused on manufacturing and health care sectors

Upjohn Institute staff presenting at 2022 ASSA conference

January 6, 2022 · Research Highlight
The conference was held remotely Jan. 7-9

Addressing unemployment and poverty: A Labor Day message from Upjohn Institute President Michael Horrigan

September 4, 2020 · Research Highlight
Michael Horrigan: Getting America back to work with the dignity that every American worker deserves on this and every Labor Day.