Upjohn Institute participates in PromiseNet 2019 conference

Graduates in academic regalia

Five representatives from the Upjohn Institute are attending the PromiseNet 2019 conference Nov. 4-5 in Berkeley, California, the 10th PromiseNet conference and the first on the West Coast. Institute staff helped convene the first PromiseNet and have served on planning committees for every conference.

For 2019, the Institute’s Michelle Miller-Adams organized the researcher’s roundtable and co-organized the researcher plenary; Brad Hershbein is presenting at the Tuesday morning research session and Bridget Timmeney is moderating a meeting.

The Upjohn Institute is a resource for promise program research, data and tools through its place-based research initiative. The Institute maintains an interactive database of promise, or place-based, scholarships and plays a leading role in research and evaluation of such programs locally and nationally.

PromiseNet 2020 returns to Kalamazoo Nov. 4-6, 2020, co-hosted by the Upjohn Institute and the Kalamazoo Promise.  

Date: October 31, 2019