The Upjohn Institute today announced the winners of its 2023 Early Career Research Awards, awarding grants to 10 young scholars to carry out policy-relevant research on labor market issues. Awards provide up to $7,500 to untenured faculty within six years of having earned a doctorate degree.
This year’s awardees represent 10 separate universities and research a wide array of topics, as shown in the table at bottom. The Upjohn Institute encourages research proposals on all issues related to labor markets and public workforce policy.
The Early Career Research Awards program at the Upjohn Institute began in 2007 and has supported more than 200 scholars in that time. The program furthers the Institute’s mission of informing employment policy and practice with timely research.
The deadline to apply for each year's awards comes in January, with winners announced in April.
Early Career Research Award recipients are expected to write a research paper based on the funded work and submit the paper for the Institute’s working paper series, which also are submitted to SSRN and listed with RePEc. Paper summaries also are considered for publication in the Institute’s policy brief series and newsletter, Employment Research. The Institute encourages authors to submit their ECRA-supported papers to peer-reviewed journals.
View a list of past ECRA winners and summaries of their projects here.
Researcher |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
Briana Ballis | Univ of California, Merced | Does Poor Infant Health Widen Racial Disparities in Childhood and Adulthood? |
Jacob Bastian | Rutgers University | The Long-Run and Intergenerational Effects of Helping Families Migrate Out of Rural and Distressed America |
Audrey Guo | Santa Clara University | New Employer Payroll Taxes and Entrepreneurship |
Alex He | University of Maryland | The Labor Market Effects of Hedge Fund Activism |
Greg Howard | University of Illinois | “Workhorses of Opportunity:” Regional Universities Increase Social Mobility |
Giuseppe Ippedico | Univ of California, Davis | The Employment and Wage Effects of Tax-Induced Migration |
Aaron Phipps | West Point | Can Diversity Improve Equity? Achieving Racial Parity in Leader Assessment of Minority Team Members |
Marta Prato | Yale University | The Effect of Declining US Immigration on Labor Markets |
Laetitia Renee | Université de Montréal | Can Daddy Quotas Reduce the Gender Income Gap? Evidence from Canada |
Jorge Rodriguez | Universidad de los Andes, Chile | Earned Income Subsidies, Female Labor Supply, and Child |