Dissertation Research Grants

Woman in graduation regalia looks out beyond

2025 Dissertation Research Grants

The Russell Sage Foundation and the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research jointly support dissertation research on employment-related topics in any discipline, with particular interest in policy-relevant research pertaining to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

Applicants for Dissertation Research Grants must be enrolled doctoral students at an institution of higher education in the U.S. or a U.S. territory, who have completed all program requirements except the dissertation. To receive funding, an applicant whose proposal is selected for a grant must have their dissertation supervisor document that the dissertation research a) is the same research that was described in the DRG proposal and b) has been approved by the dissertation committee. In cases where a dissertation consists of several related papers, the proposal should focus on the most important paper. These grants will support all aspects of dissertation research (data collection, data preparation, data analysis and writing), but are not intended for students who have completed data collection and analysis and propose to spend the entire grant period writing the dissertation.


More details on the Dissertation Grants from RSF

Download the Dissertation Grants Application Form

The deadline to apply for the 2025 Grants was February 4, 2025.