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Thomason, Schmidle, and Burton make use of a unique data set to delve into how insurance arrangements affect several objectives of the workers' compensation (WC) program. They underscore the effects of deregulation and other changes in WC insurance pricing arrangements by performing empirical analyses that use state-specific cost, benefit, and injury data from 48 states for 1975-1995. This allows them to address the interactive relationships among the four objectives of WC systems adequacy of benefits, affordability of WC insurance, efficiency in the benefits delivery system, and prevention of workplace injuries and diseases and how various public policies adopted by states or the federal government work to achieve them.


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  1. Introduction
  2. Developments in Workers' Compensation since 1960
  3. Measuring Employers' Costs
  4. Benefit Adequacy versus Affordability
  5. Employer Costs
  6. The Effect of Workers' Compensation Insurance Regulation
  7. The Effect of Workers' Compensation Insurance Regulation - Insurance
  8. Arrangements and Workplace Safety
  9. Conclusions


9780880992183 (cloth) ; 9780880992176 (pbk.) ; 9780880994187 (ebook)

Subject Areas

UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Workers compensation and disability; Disability; Occupational health and safety

Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Costs, and Safety Under Alternative Insurance Arrangements




Thomason, Terry, Timothy P. Schmidle, and John F. Burton. 2001. Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Costs, and Safety under Alternative Insurance Arrangements. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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